Tag Archives: ENSEIRB

Teaching activity

I have mostly taught in Bordeaux during my PhD and during a research and teaching assistant position after my PhD. I have recently gave a lecture on Video Coding and Representation in Italian. Up to now, my teaching activities account for 200+ hours.

  • University of Florence: (In Italian)
    • Lecture Course on Video Coding and Representation (MPEG4-MPEG7), BSc level
  • IUT Bordeaux 1 : (In French)
    • Lecture Course on Video Analysis, BSc level
  • ENSEIRB : (In French)
    • Practicals on Video Indexing, MSc level, option “Multimedia Technologies”
    • Project on Video Analysis, MSc level, option “Multimedia Technologies”
    • Tutorial Class on Work Environment, BSc level
    • Programming Projects, BSc level
  • University of Bordeaux 1 : (In French)
    • Computer Science and Internet Certificate (C2I), BSc level
    • Softwares – Rebound Semester, BSc level
    • Master students’ internships follow-up